A lot is happening right now. I just wanted to say this...
I think it's important to ask why. Not just once. Not just why did this or that happen? And not just until you get the quickest answer or the answer that works best for you. I think it's important to keep asking why.
It's very easy to stop asking why. You just...don't ask why anymore. But, I guarantee if you're just choosing to stop asking why, you do not have the answer.
When things seem strange or even when things seem like they couldn't possibly be different than what we already know, we should ask why. Because we might find a different answer (and a new why) or we might not. But, you never know unless you ask.
We should ask why again and again and again. And when we get tired of hitting a wall, of hearing the same, tired responses, you know what we should do? We should ask why we're hearing those responses, why we're hitting a wall. Because there's always a way to get over/under/through a wall. And you're not going to find it if you're not asking why.
Oftentimes, when asking why, we're going to find ourselves in unpleasant territory. Why? Well...because we've got more whys to ask.
Stop for a moment. And ask why.
Because asking why is the only way to fully understand what we presume, what we prejudge and what we genuinely do or do not know. Asking why is what gets us to common ground, what gets us to a place where we can empathize.
We need to keep asking why until we cannot ask why anymore.
Because that's the only way we can change.
Because that's how we grow.
Originally Posted On Facebook.
I think it's important to ask why. Not just once. Not just why did this or that happen? And not just until you get the quickest answer or the answer that works best for you. I think it's important to keep asking why.
It's very easy to stop asking why. You just...don't ask why anymore. But, I guarantee if you're just choosing to stop asking why, you do not have the answer.
When things seem strange or even when things seem like they couldn't possibly be different than what we already know, we should ask why. Because we might find a different answer (and a new why) or we might not. But, you never know unless you ask.
We should ask why again and again and again. And when we get tired of hitting a wall, of hearing the same, tired responses, you know what we should do? We should ask why we're hearing those responses, why we're hitting a wall. Because there's always a way to get over/under/through a wall. And you're not going to find it if you're not asking why.
Oftentimes, when asking why, we're going to find ourselves in unpleasant territory. Why? Well...because we've got more whys to ask.
Stop for a moment. And ask why.
Because asking why is the only way to fully understand what we presume, what we prejudge and what we genuinely do or do not know. Asking why is what gets us to common ground, what gets us to a place where we can empathize.
We need to keep asking why until we cannot ask why anymore.
Because that's the only way we can change.
Because that's how we grow.
Originally Posted On Facebook.